How to Host Rust Server for Free :

Hello and welcome to our journal article on how to host a Rust server for free. In this article, we will be discussing various methods and techniques to help you host your own Rust server without spending a single penny.

Understanding Rust Server Hosting

Before we dive into the details of hosting a Rust server for free, let’s first understand what Rust is and what it takes to host a Rust server. Rust is a multiplayer survival game that requires a dedicated server for hosting. A dedicated server is a computer that is solely responsible for running the game server software and providing a stable environment for players to join and play the game.

Hosting a Rust server can be a daunting task, especially if you’re new to the world of game server hosting. It requires technical knowledge, hardware resources, and software expertise. However, hosting a Rust server for free is not impossible, and in this article, we will show you how.

What You Need to Host a Rust Server

To host a Rust server, you need to have the following:

  1. A dedicated computer
  2. A stable internet connection
  3. Sufficient hardware resources
  4. Game server hosting software

A Dedicated Computer

To host a Rust server, you need a computer that will be solely responsible for running the game server software. This computer should have sufficient hardware resources and a stable internet connection. The hardware requirements for a Rust server are as follows:

Hardware Requirements Minimum Recommended
CPU Intel Core i7-3770 Intel Core i9-10900K
Storage 50GB 100GB

It’s important to note that Rust servers require a lot of CPU power, so it’s recommended to use a computer with a powerful CPU.

A Stable Internet Connection

A stable internet connection is essential for hosting a Rust server. You need to have a reliable internet connection with a high upload speed. The recommended upload speed for hosting a Rust server is at least 5 Mbps.

Sufficient Hardware Resources

Hosting a Rust server requires sufficient hardware resources, including CPU, RAM, and storage. The hardware requirements for hosting a Rust server are mentioned in the table above.

Game Server Hosting Software

To host a Rust server, you need to have game server hosting software. There are several options available for hosting a Rust server, and we will discuss some of them in detail in the next section.

How to Host Rust Server for Free

Hosting a Rust server for free can be a challenging task, but it’s not impossible. Here are some methods that you can use to host a Rust server for free:

Method 1: Hosting on Your Own Computer

If you have a powerful computer with sufficient hardware resources and a stable internet connection, you can host a Rust server on your own computer. Here’s how you can do it:

  1. Download and install the Rust server software from the official website.
  2. Configure the server settings according to your preferences.
  3. Forward the necessary ports on your router to allow other players to connect to your server.
  4. Share your server’s IP address with your friends, and they can join your server by entering the IP address in Rust’s console.

Method 2: Using a Cloud Hosting Provider

Another method of hosting a Rust server for free is by using a cloud hosting provider. There are several cloud hosting providers that offer free trials, and you can use them to host your Rust server for a limited time. Here are some cloud hosting providers that offer free trials:

  1. Amazon Web Services
  2. Google Cloud Platform
  3. Microsoft Azure

You can sign up for a free trial account on any of these cloud hosting providers, deploy a virtual machine, and install the Rust server software to host your server.

Method 3: Using Free Rust Server Hosting Services

There are several free Rust server hosting services available online that allow you to host your Rust server for free. These services are usually supported by ads or donations, and the server performance may not be as good as paid hosting services. Here are some free Rust server hosting services:

  1. FeverHost
  2. GGServers
  3. Serveromat


Here are some frequently asked questions about hosting a Rust server for free:

Can I host a Rust server for free?

Yes, you can host a Rust server for free using various methods, including hosting on your own computer, using a cloud hosting provider, or using free Rust server hosting services.

What are the hardware requirements for hosting a Rust server?

The hardware requirements for hosting a Rust server include a powerful CPU, at least 8GB of RAM, and sufficient storage space.

What are the software requirements for hosting a Rust server?

To host a Rust server, you need to have game server hosting software, such as Oxide, uMod, or Rust Admin.

How do I configure my Rust server settings?

You can configure your Rust server settings by editing the server.cfg file, which is located in the server’s installation directory.

How can I forward ports on my router?

You can forward ports on your router by accessing your router’s settings page and opening the port forwarding section. Then, add a new rule to forward the necessary ports to your computer’s IP address.


Hosting a Rust server for free may not be as easy as paying for hosting services, but it’s not impossible. By using the methods and techniques mentioned in this article, you can host your own Rust server for free and enjoy the game with your friends. Remember to follow the hardware and software requirements, and always keep your server updated and secure.

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